

I will hug him and squeeze him and name him "George"


Cel Vinyl Painting - Squeek

9x12 Cel Vinyl on canvas

Vector Image


Hoppy X-mas

There's something about frogs that goes so naturally with x-mas


Jumble book story #2

The 2nd story I am working on for the Art Jumble book. 5 pages to go

First Friday Dec 7th

Come on out and see the show!


We're All Devo

4" x 6" Cel Vinyl on wood panel


GG on the can

Cel Vinyl on wooden toilet seat.
Come see it in person at the Paper Heart Gallery, First Friday Nov. 2nd.


Wendy O Williams

Wendy O Williams

When I was young and impressionable I would go to Hills (apparently they had the hits, LPs and cassettes) and find the Plasmatics album with the pictures of Wendy with the electrical tape over her nips.


Kopi Luwak

Heres the cover to the chapter of the yet unnamed comix compilation.


2 Reasons to go to Chipotle ( chipotle menu art )

1. The vegetarian burrito bowl

2. The great sketchbook material that their menus make



A tribute to my cuz.


Hello Handsome

Here's a quick selfportrait. Note the positive self image. I am actually working on another self portrait that is taking longer than I would like, so I needed a quickie (thats what she said)...


pushead tribute

I caught Pushead this year at the SDCC. So, when I returned to my trailer(doublewide) in Guadalupe I was inspired to paint the human skull I had laying around based on his illustration style.
Check out his work


Munny problem

I'd say that I'm gonna stop but thats another one on the right...

Are we not Munny?


Illustrations for Wedding Reception Dinner

Did you order the beef, salmon, or vegetarian dish?


Loady and Sinus Munny Figures

Loady McGee and Sinus O'Gynus

Check out Johnny Ryan's Page for more on these two



FTW Elmo

One time my wife asked me to help her come up with a tattoo design and this illustration is based on that design. Surprisingly she decided against it.


Vader's Worry

I drew this originally in one of my sketch books over 10 years ago. The star wars artjumble week gave me a good reason to dig it up and give it a proper treatment in Flash


Captain America vs Red Skull

I did this as tribute to fellow artist/co-worker Rory Hensley
Check out his blog:


Urban legends

This could be "Nessie" (Loch Ness) or "Champ" (Lake Champlain) or the lesser known "Chappy" the monster that lurks nearby my house in Chapparal Lake

Cuidado! Tenga cuidado! Chupacabra
- Groovie Ghoulies

Many things in this life
Are not what they appear
Yeah I look like a hare
But if you stop and you stare
I'm related to a deer

I got a jackalope face
I'm a jackalope guy
And I'm staring you down
Creepy jackalope eye




Garbage Pail Kids

I had to take my shirt off to properly draw the bottom photo..... ladies...


The Tamper

Tamper: the device used to tamp a bed of loose, finely ground coffee in a portafilter, in preparation for brewing espresso. Most espresso machines include a plastic tamper as an accessory, and after market tampers can be bought. They are measured in millimeter sizes, corresponding with the filter basket internal diameter of your espresso machine. Most commercial, prosumer, and high end consumer espresso machines use a 58mm tamper; other common sizes are 49mm, 53mm, and 57mm.


Mr Busy-Ass

This is an illustration I made for my dad. I had to wait until I gave it to him before I could post it. I thought it was a fitting portrait of him since he loves his HHR and he is the one responsible for introducing me to Rat Fink. We dubbed him Mr. Busy-Ass, since he has often said "I had a busy-ass day."



Back in my student days at Kent State, my roommate John had a dog named Sam. Sam was notorious for destroying baseball hats (as well as couches). My other roomy, Jason, punished Sam for destroying his hat by making him sit on a barstool wearing the hat facing away from us as we watched TV. Every now and then Sam would look over his shoulder to see if he could rejoin us. Looking back I am impressed with how smart Sam was, especially how easy it was to get him to do these things with no training involved. He also had a knack for outsmarting our other roommate Brian, but that was neither hard to do nor as impressive as sitting on a stool wearing a baseball hat.

Theres nothing funnier than seeing a dog do this across new carpets


I Wan't Munny, That's What I Want!

If I had the time and money($25 a pop), these things would be addictive.