
Vader's Worry

I drew this originally in one of my sketch books over 10 years ago. The star wars artjumble week gave me a good reason to dig it up and give it a proper treatment in Flash


Captain America vs Red Skull

I did this as tribute to fellow artist/co-worker Rory Hensley
Check out his blog:


Urban legends

This could be "Nessie" (Loch Ness) or "Champ" (Lake Champlain) or the lesser known "Chappy" the monster that lurks nearby my house in Chapparal Lake

Cuidado! Tenga cuidado! Chupacabra
- Groovie Ghoulies

Many things in this life
Are not what they appear
Yeah I look like a hare
But if you stop and you stare
I'm related to a deer

I got a jackalope face
I'm a jackalope guy
And I'm staring you down
Creepy jackalope eye
